Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone that reads this blog has a Merry Christmas!

postcard 1911 front

This is a postcard that was mailed in 1911.

I have been working really hard to get the Forgottens all caught up with for the New Year.  I have a number of photos that were mailed and I have no idea if they found their way home safely or not…so I am writing Full Circles for those photos and some Full Circles that were completed this Fall.

Thank you to everyone that reads this blog and for the help researching the names on the photos.  I appreciate you!


  1. Hope you had a peaceful Christmas yourself, Far Side! Glad there are so many Full Circles to catch up on. That means more photos are finding their way back home to family :)


Hi, Thanks for the comments, your input on these old photos is appreciated! English only please! All comments will be moderated! Connie